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Crocin & Saffron Health News: Products, Events, and Latest Crocin Research

Stay informed with updates on Saffron Health Sciences' crocin supplements, company news, upcoming events, and groundbreaking research on crocin’s health benefits


Our Product News

Jan 20, 2024: Join us at Booth #8323 in the Hot Products Section on ACC Level 3 at Natural Products EXPO WEST, Anaheim Convention Center, CA, from March 13-15, 2024. Explore our revolutionary crocin-based supplements for a healthier, more vibrant future!🌟🌿

Sept. 14, 2023: FDA issued Certificate of Free Sale for our optimized all natural product line: CROCIN RICH, CROCIN RICH II and CROCIN RICH plus

Sept. 5, 2023: Our new version of crocin supplements were launched. These new adjusted products with optimized formulation are all natural, non-GMO, with no artificial colorants, and are gluten-free.

Sept. 2022: Increased daily usage of Crocin Rich®, a natural and only water-soluble carotenoid crocin, was given "No Objections" by the FDA as a new dietary ingredient (NDI).

Jan. 18, 2022: FDA issued closed out to the warning letter #615429 after descriptions on disease names in studies were removed. Our supplement products were not the issue as they were developed based on science and clinical studies.

Nov. 2020: A US Patent was issued for our product.

Jan. 2017: Published “A Perspective on Crocus sativus L. (Saffron) Constituent Crocin: A Potent Water-Soluble Antioxidant ...” J. Agric. Food Chem. 2017, 65, 1005−1020.

Mar. 2016: FDA issued Certificate of Free Sale for Products: CROCIN RICH, CROCIN RICH II and CROCIN RICH plus.

Dec. 2015: US patent 9,211,298 was issued for our product.

Sep. 2015: FDA reviewed and granted (NO Objection) to Crocin Rich®, the purified natural crocin ingredient, as a new dietary ingredient (NDI) for product application. Crocin is the only water-soluble carotenoid in nature.

Crocin and Saffron Research Publications

11/2024 The beneficial effects of crocin supplementation on metabolic health: A randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial. Journal of Functional Foods. Volume 122, November 2024, 106507.

9/2024 The Effect of Crocin on Movements, Balance and Coordination: Insights from a Randomized Controlled Trial.

2/2024 Crocin supplementation on intraocular pressure: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Medicine in Drug Discovery, 21 (2024) 100169.

2023 Effect of crocin of Crocus sativus L. on regulating inflammation, lung function, and exercise capacity: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition , First View , pp. 1 – 8. 2023. DOI: 

1/2023 The Effects of Crocin Supplementation on Sleep Quality, General Health, and Happiness in Elderly Population: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial. Intl J Med Toxicol and Fore Med. 2023; 13(1):E38718. https://doi. org/10.32598/ijmtfm.v13i1.38718

3/2022 Crocin as a vision supplement. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, DOI: 10.1080/08164622.2022.2039554

8/2021 Saffron improves life and sleep quality, glycaemic status, lipid profile and liver function: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial. Intl. J. Clin Prac. 2021, 75(8): e14334.

1/2020 The effects of crocus sativus extract (crocin) on lipid profile and liver functions: A randomized placebo-controlled study. Obe Med. 2020, 17, 100165.

12/2018 Effect of crocetin on quality of sleep: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Complement Ther Med. 2018, 41: 47-51. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.09.003

Hundreds of recently published clinical and preclinical studies of crocin/saffron on eye health, memory, congitive health, mood, sleep quality, quality of life, etc. in the peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals can be found by searching Google Scholar